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Does NSFAS Fund Repeating Students?



Does NSFAS Fund Repeating Students?

Does NSFAS Fund Repeating Students? When it comes to funding higher education, many students rely on the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) to cover their tuition and other academic expenses. However, one common question that arises is whether NSFAS continues to fund students who need to repeat a course or an entire academic year.

Does NSFAS Fund Repeating Students?

yes—NSFAS does provide funding for students who need to repeat a course or an academic year. However, this funding is not automatically granted. It is contingent on specific criteria that must be met, both from the student’s academic performance and the institution’s regulations.

Criteria for Extended NSFAS Funding

NSFAS may extend funding for an additional year if a student fails a course or needs to repeat an entire year. However, the continuation of this financial support depends on several key factors:

  1. Academic Performance Requirements: Students must meet specific academic performance requirements as set by both NSFAS and the institution they are attending. This often includes maintaining a minimum pass rate for the courses enrolled in.
  2. Institutional Guidelines: Each institution may have its own set of guidelines regarding repeating courses and years. Students must adhere to these guidelines to remain eligible for NSFAS funding.
  3. Approval from NSFAS: The extension of funding is not guaranteed and requires approval from NSFAS. Students are often required to demonstrate why they were unable to complete the course or year and how they plan to succeed in the future.


While NSFAS does offer support to students who need to repeat courses or years, it is important to understand that this support comes with conditions. Meeting the academic performance requirements and adhering to institutional guidelines are crucial for ensuring continued funding. Students who find themselves in this situation should communicate proactively with their institution and NSFAS to secure the necessary funding for their studies.

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