Get Your R370 SASSA Grant Appeal For May 2024
Get Your R370 SASSA Grant Appeal For May 2024. Did you apply for the SRD grant but were rejected and needed to appeal? Well, knowing your SASSA SRD grant appeal status empowers you to stay informed and proactive. The Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant provided by the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) is a lifeline for many unemployed South Africans.
But what happens if your SASSA SRD grant application for the grant gets rejected? Well, SASSA allows an appeal process to take place for those rejected SRD grant applications to be reconsidered. Once you appeal, it’s encouraged that applicants regularly do a SASSA status check on their SASSA appeal.
Increased Grant Amount
In March 2024, Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana announced that the SRD grant payment would be increased from R350 to R370. This represents an increase of 5.7% for the grant. Social Development Minister, Lindiwe Zulu, confirmed the grant increase of R20 in Government Notice N
o. R. 3210 of 29 March 2023.
SASSA SRD Grant Appeal Process for May 2024
Here’s the SASSA SRD grant appeal process to follow for May 2024:
How To Appeal Your R370 SASSA Grant For May 2024
- Go to SASSA Appeals Website to get information on your SASSA appeal status.
- Enter ID number.
- Enter telephone number.
- Track appeal.
Contact SASSA Call Centre
You can also call the SASSA Call Centre on their cellphone number which is 0800 601 011.
Other Grants Provided by SASSA
SASSA distributes several different permanent grants aimed at assisting financially vulnerable people living in South Africa. Grants distributed by SASSA include the Older Persons pension grant, Disability grant, War Veterans grant, Care Dependency grant, Foster Child grant, Child Support grant, Child Support grant Top-Up, and Grant-in-aid. Since 2020, SASSA has also been providing the SRD grant to unemployed individuals.
Appealing your SASSA SRD grant rejection is essential to potentially receive the much-needed financial assistance. With the increase in the grant amount to R370, it becomes even more crucial to ensure your appeal process is underway. Stay informed, track your appeal status, and reach out to SASSA for any assistance needed in navigating the process.