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If I Have a Learnership Will Nsfas Fund Me?



If I Have a Learnership Will Nsfas Fund Me?

If I Have a Learnership Will Nsfas Fund Me. Students can gain a glimpse into their future professional life after graduating by participating in learnerships, which can significantly enhance their educational journey. Government-funded students’ bursaries have recently been questioned regarding the impact of learnerships.

The Role of Learnerships in Formal Qualifications

Students often gain national recognition upon completion of a learnership, and some learnerships provide additional benefits such as stipends for travel and living expenses.

Potential Implications for NSFAS Funding

What is the effect of a learnership on a student’s eligibility for NSFAS financial aid? The NSFAS awards bursaries to students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds enrolled in public universities or Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges pursuing approved qualifications.

NSFAS Stance on Learnerships

As long as students meet specific academic requirements and maintain income levels below NSFAS’s household income threshold, students can attend paid learnerships without jeopardizing their funding status.

“As long as you meet the academic criteria, and as long as your salary does not exceed the annual household threshold, this does not affect your NSFAS funding,” clarified NSFAS.

Understanding the N+ Rule

A student’s academic requirements are based on the N+2 Rule, which states that he or she must complete a degree within N+2 years. The “N” represents the minimum number of years required to achieve a degree. Therefore, if a degree can be completed in a minimum of four years, NSFAS will fund students for the four years required to finish the degree, as well as two additional years if certain subjects or modules need to be retaken.

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Exceptions to N+ Rule

In the event that a student is no longer eligible for funding because of the N+ rule, they may still be considered if they can demonstrate a need for 60 or fewer course credits to complete a qualification. However, this consideration is contingent on the student receiving support from the institution.

Income Thresholds for NSFAS Eligibility

A student must have a combined household income of less than R350,000 per year to qualify for NSFAS. Students with disabilities must have a combined household income of less than R600,000.


NSFAS supports students engaging in learnerships, emphasizing academic criteria and income thresholds. The N+ Rule guides funding duration. Exceptional cases may be considered, contingent on institutional support. Meeting income criteria remains crucial for NSFAS eligibility.

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